Brightly Bees Boosting Local Biodiversity, Food Security, and Sustainability
Our world is home to over 20,000 bee species, and due to a range of different factors, some species are now considered endangered. Globally, 16 bee species are vulnerable, 18 are endangered, and nine are critically endangered.
(Source: World Animal Foundation)
A growing concern about the detrimental impact declining bee populations have on the environment initially prompted the launch of our Brightly Bees Corporate Social Responsibility plan in the United States. Following the success of our first hive sponsorship in partnership with Bee Downtown in North Carolina in 2022, our aim to tackle a global issue, as a global company, has driven us to adopt hives in Australia.
What are we doing to preserve bee populations in Australia?
Bee populations around the world face numerous threats, including habitat loss, pesticide exposure, disease, climate change, and invasive species. The future of our planet depends on the protection of bee populations, which is crucial for environmental conservation. Honeybee populations in Queensland, Australia decreased by 90% as a result of the 2019/2020 bushfire season alone. (Source: World Animal Foundation)
Given the rapid decline in bee populations, Brightly Australia have been proactive in bee conservation efforts, proudly partnering with Backyard Honey, a Melbourne-based team of expert beekeepers dedicated to rescuing swarms from urban Melbourne and relocating them to partner paddocks in regional Victoria. Bees are monitored for disease and pests and once the colony is healthy and thriving, the bees are re-introduced back into Melbourne through a hive hosting program which Brightly is proud to be part of.

Together, our mission is to promote local biodiversity and food security, through the sponsorship of our own beehive. Brightly Bees will enable us to contribute to the protection of the planet’s delicate ecosystems and endangered bee populations.
Why hive sponsorship?
There are many significant sustainable benefits associated with hive sponsorship, as the initiative has provided us with an opportunity to address critical environmental issues.
Ensuring Pollination and Biodiversity
Bees are exceptional pollinators, facilitating the reproduction of plants by transferring pollen from male to female flower parts. Approximately 80% of all flowering plants rely on pollinators like bees for successful reproduction. Hive sponsorship helps maintain and restore healthy bee populations, ensuring the continued pollination of plants, including those essential for food production. This, in turn, supports the growth of diverse ecosystems, which are vital for maintaining biodiversity and sustaining a healthy planet.
Safeguarding Food Security
Did you know that of the 100 crop species that provide 90% of the world’s food supply, bees pollinate 71 of them? Pollenity estimates that in the U.S. alone, bees pollinate $16 billion worth of crops, so it’s safe to say that without the bees, the human race would quickly go hungry.
(Source: World Animal Foundation)
The role of bees in food production cannot be overstated. They are responsible for pollinating many of the fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds that make up a significant portion of our diet. Without bees, the availability and diversity of these essential crops would be severely compromised. Hive sponsorship helps protect food security by supporting the population of pollinators needed to ensure robust crop yields. Through hive adoption, we are investing in the sustainability of our agricultural systems.
Mitigating the Effects of Climate Change
Climate change poses significant challenges to ecosystems worldwide. Rising temperatures, shifting weather patterns, and altered flowering schedules disrupt the delicate balance between plants and pollinators. Bees, as temperature-sensitive creatures, are particularly vulnerable to these changes. Sponsored beehives aid in mitigating the effects of climate change through the provision of safe habitats, ensuring bees have access to adequate nutrition, and assisting bee colonies to adapt to new environmental conditions. Supporting healthy bee populations also aids in the restoration and preservation of natural habitats, fostering resilience in the face of a changing climate.
Competition time! Name our queen bee to win jars of our Brightly Bee honey.
Scan the QR code to enter your name suggestion.
The top three queen bee names will win a jar of honey sourced from our very own Brightly Beehive.

Want to know more?
For more information about Brightly Bees and our hive hosting partners, Backyard Honey, contact Angela Jermyn at