
Event Manager™ Product Overview Video


Watch this video to learn more about Event Manager™.

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Event Manager is a cloud based platform that helps organizations schedule, organize and promote their events and rentable facilities. See the full picture of what's happening across your facilities and Event Management program from the Home dashboard to increase public engagement as you promote your available facilities and highlight popular spaces through the community portal, Empower Facility renters and reduce administrative work with a simple request form that identifies critical information.

Set up automated workflows based on facility and usage types to streamline the approval process for key stakeholders. Manage and communicate about event related needs to the proper service providers to increase internal efficiencies.

Move away from various siloed calendars to create one source of truth while decreasing double bookings and maintaining brand integrity. Engage event attendees by simplifying the event registration and ticketing process to generate revenue.

Create, send and track statuses of invoices or online payments as your organization recovers. Cost on community use of facilities. Easily collect benchmark and communicate critical information about your events and facility usage to inform future decisions.

Send surveys to get a pulse from attendees and renters where improvements can be made to optimize future events and activities. With event manager, it's quick and easy to get started and the Dude Solutions team is here to guide you through every step to learn more or to schedule a demo. Call us toll free.