
Passion and Purpose: How Liz Foo is Impacting Future Generations

3 minutes

At Brightly, culture is more than a buzzword; it’s the core of who we are. It drives how we work together, how we treat one another, and how we move forward in the same direction. Our employer brand, The Brightly Way, outlines the beliefs and values we live by to embody our culture. For Liz Foo, a Strategic Asset Management Consultant based in Australia, working to create sustainable communities and a brighter future fuel her work.

Starting out her career, she struggled with common challenges faced in workplaces but always made the effort to do her best despite the circumstances. She joined the organization to work with Assetic and has worked under both the Dude Solutions and Brightly banners. In her time here, she expressed her gratitude for what makes Brightly so special and attributes it all to serendipity.

“I feel like I was really lucky to find the right people, at the right time, that delivered on flexibility and trust. They gave me autonomy to pave my own path in what I do and how I learn, that then it puts the responsibility of asking questions or making a very conscious effort on me to learn from the right people, which I find a privilege doing,” she says.

With a strong supporting cast around her, Foo feels empowered to learn and grow exponentially. She leans on her team, like many others at Brightly, to share knowledge and solve complex problems collaboratively. “It can be as simple as developing a quality assurance workflow with the team, like getting a colleague to review a document that I've done and, from my perspective, they’re casting their lens with, say, 10 years of experience. And that helps me a lot.”

Personally, Foo is fueled by her passion and a sense of purpose. Working in Client Services, she can often see and feel the results of her work trickling down to the community.

“Our clientele at the moment is predominantly local government, and I feel with our work, or my work specifically with strategic asset management and the consulting side of things is, I literally have a direct impact on the improvement of my surroundings,” she explains. “From not only an infrastructure point of view, monetary point of view, policy point of view, planning point of view, but also the fact that down the road, I get to leave something good behind and I get to leave a legacy behind, not only for myself but for the next generation.”

After working under several banners, she feels optimism about the growth potential of Brightly with the support of Siemens. Motivated by continuous improvement and supported by a collaborative team, she knows that her work at Brightly is helping solve important problems for thousands of clients and building a better future for communities around the world.